Results and deliverables

Explected results (public available informations) Results, deliverables, minutes (confidential, only for members of the consortium)

The dissemination and exploitation of the results will be done in agreement with the IPR rules set forth in consortium. The following dissemination directions will be considered:
- Conference / Journal exposure of the project through published articles that will cover the results and added knowledge of the project. The articles will be the results of Tasks 0B2.
- Innovative solutions protection through patents.
- Application of the findings and knowledge accumulated during this project to other related research projects and to the development of new ones, possibly for other applications.
- Participation in fairs and exhibitions (Task 0B2) will aim at disseminating the results of the project to both potential commercial or industrial customers and the general public. The dissemination of the project results in European fairs the exhibitions will create the possibility, for European companies, to increase their competitiveness.
- The publication, in accordance to the developed IPR management procedures of the project, of the project results on the project website (Task 0B1). The project will be maintained and updated for two more years after the completion of the project.
- The dissemination of the results and deliverables will be in accordance to the planed dissemination level from the workplan table of the project.